Author: Adam

Sports day 2022

Dear Parents/Carers


This year we are delighted to hold our Sports Day at the cricket ground( behind Dyfed Road swimming pool) on Wed 29th June.

Please read below carefully for all information:

All grown ups who are supporting the races to sit in the seating area at the cricket ground. Please note that pupils will not be allowed to sit with parents/carers as staff will be responsible for them at all times. Please can you make sure your child/children have water and are suitably dressed for the weather.

  • Nursery Class to be met by Staff at 9.15. Races start at 9.30am
  • Reception class will walk over with teaching staff to watch the Nursery Races.
  • Reception Class races – 10 til 10.30am (Nursery will watch the Reception races)
  • Year 1 and 2 races start at 10.45 til 12 noon.

Reception/ Year 1 and 2 walk back to school by 12.30 for lunch


Juniors to eat a packed lunch before leaving school. ( if your child is in receipt of free school meals then they will receive a free packed lunch)

  • All of the Juniors to walk to cricket ground at 1pm to start races at 1.15.
  • Year 3/4 races start at 1.15
  • Year 5/6 races start at 2pm

All Juniors to walk back to school at 3pm.

Parents are to collect their children from school at 3.20pm. 

Kind Regards

Mrs K Phillips

School Information

Dear Parents/Carers,
Queen’s Jubilee

Just to let you know we are going to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in school with an afternoon tea party for all our pupils. This will take place on Thursday 26th May and all our pupils can wear their own party clothes for the day. As it’s a tea party we would like every child to bring in a plate of party food on that day which they can eat at the tea party.
We will provide the water /squash/milk etc.

Parents Evening.

Parents’ evening will be held over Teams this year. Your child/rens’ class teacher will let you know more information next week and organise time slots for you. The meetings will take place on 7th/ 8th and 9th June.

Don’t forget our INSET day is now on Tuesday 14th June. There will be no school for pupils on this day.

Sports Day

We are planning on holding sports day on Wed 29th June. More information to follow.

Kind Regards

Mrs K Phillips

Happy Easter

Dear Parents/Carers
I’d like to say a big thank you to you all for supporting the school this Spring term. As always, your children have been amazing and have shown great resilience as we’ve moved from lockdown restrictions and adapting to change once more. 
The Easter parade in church was fantastic. The day was filled with laughter and pride as we started to feel a sense of normality again. The PTA (FADS) have also been hugely supportive in sourcing so many raffle prizes from the community in aid of the school as well as buying the prizes for the parade and ensuring every child had a gift.

We have asked for lots of separate donations for various charities since half term and again thank you for your generosity.

I’d like to say a very big thank you to Mrs Richards for everything she has done in school. On a personal level she has been by my side for the last 8 terms and we are all going to miss her so much.
Finally, I’d like to wish you all lovely Easter and look forward to seeing all the children back safely on Wednesday 27th April.

Take Care and Keep Safe
Mrs K Phillips Seconded Headteacher

Easter Bonnet Parade 6.4.22

Dear Parents/Carers,
Please see below the  organisation and plans for  our Easter Bonnet Parade on Wednesday 6th April.
We are hoping to hold the parade outside in the back yard with parents and carers able to come and celebrate but if it does rain then unfortunately we will have to hold it in the school building and parents and carers will not be able to come as the school is not big enough to do this safely. We will let you know via seesaw and parent pay if we have to move the parade inside due to the weather.

Please see the following times:
9.15 – 9.45 – RECEPTION

10.00 – 10.30 – YEARS 1 and 2

BREAKTIME  – all parents and carers to exit yard to allow break time to take place.

11.00 – 11.20 – NURSERY and YY ( 5/6) YY class will help Nursery to walk around the yard and wear their Bonnets too

LUNCHTIME 11.30 – 1.30 – all parents and carers to exit yard to allow lunch time to take place

1.45 – 2.15 YEARS 3 and 4

2.30 – 3.00 YEARS 5 and 6 (AM and HK)
Kind Regards

Mrs Phillips

School closure

Dear Parents/Carers,
We have been notified by the Local Authority that the weather warning for tomorrow has been upgraded to RED. Therefore we have been advised to close the school for staff and pupils.The school will deliver online/remote learning via Seesaw and Google Classroom for pupils on Friday 18th February.We hope you all have a lovely half term and look forward to seeing you back in school on Tuesday 1st March.

Kind RegardsMrs K Phillips

Seconded Headteacher