Author: Adam

School message

Dear Parents/Carers,

We’d like to wish you all a fun filled and happy half term and look forward to seeing you all back safely on Tuesday 8th November.

As always, your continued support and participation in school life is vey much appreciated.

Kind Regards

Mrs Kath Phillips

Seconded Headteacher

Friday 28th October

Dear Parents/Carers,


It’s non uniform/Spooky or Fancy Dress day tomorrow Friday 28th October.

FADS are raising funds for school by asking for a £1 donation tomorrow. They will also be selling Luck Dips and Sweet Treats in the back yard at home time. Nursery will have the chance to buy any sweet treats too at end of the morning.

Please donate via Parent Pay or on the gate tomorrow.

As always, we thank you for your continued support.

Mrs K Phillips

Macmillan Coffee morning

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you so much for your generosity. As a result of attending the coffee morning held at school or by donating cakes or by sending in a £1.00 for out of uniform day (or a mixture of all 3) together we have raised £326.58 for MACMILLAN Cancer Support.

We are so grateful to you all.

Thank you 

Mrs K Phillips

After School Clubs Spring 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please see below information about our after school clubs. All clubs will run from 3.20pm to 4.20pm apart from Eco which will finish at 4pm

Clubs will begin Week commencing Monday 16th January.

Your child/children will not be able to attend a club without the permission form completed and returned to school.

Thank you for your co-operation 

Mrs K Phillips



MonNetball/Rugby5/6Miss Langdon
Mr Morgan
Mon Coding3/4Mrs Partington
TuesECOLetter of Application required Mrs Madge
TuesSports Rec/1/2Mrs Brown
TuesBoard Games3/4Mrs Strang
TuesMagazine 4/5/6Miss Yorkshades/Miss O’Reilly
WedArt 3/4 (til Jan 2023)
5/6 ( til Easter 2023)
1/2 ( til summer 2023)
Mr Phil Burman
ThursChoir3/4/5/6Mr Morgan
Rev Lizzie

A prayer for the Queen

Dear Parents and Carers,

Following the very sad news about Her Majesty The Queen, we would like to add our own condolences and leave a prayer for your own personal reflection

Gracious God,

we give thanks for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth,

for her faith and her dedication to duty.

Bless our nation as we mourn her death

and may her example continue to inspire us;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Kindest Regards

Mrs K Phillips