Mission statement, vision and aims

Working collaboratively, we now have a clear understanding of our shared purpose and goals.  A common purpose which will support us to be unified to work in pursuit of excellence for every child and creating our school community with a Christan ethos. 

Our Vision 

Our school will provide a warm, welcoming place filled with wonder.  Each and every child will be treated with kindness and dignity so they can live, learn and grow joyously together.  All children will be enabled ambitiously, supported compassionately and supported persistently.  

Every child will be encouraged to do something well, explore their interests, find their talents and pursue them with ambition. Every child can do something well; it is in all of them; we have to find it. 

We will offer a broad, balanced, creative and experiential curriculum which enables a love of learning to grow and thrive.  Children will be encouraged to be resilient and ready to learn throughout their lives whilst ensuring the emotional and mental well-being is at the heart of what we do.  

We offer opportunities for everyone, cherishing diversity and inclusion and with an aim to instil a love of learning for all. 

We aim for all our children to require a deep understanding and connection to the natural world and create a sense of belonging. 

Our Christian ethos teaches us to be civilised, courteous, thoughtful, healthy and active, questioning, ethical, creative, vibrant, real human beings of high importance, with self-control.  We promote the development of secure, happy, well-adjusted individuals who are equipped for lifelong learning. 

In the words of our children. 

We want our school to be creative and joyful, a place full of new experiences.  It should be fun, active and courageous.  Our school is a school for everyone where we are all kind to each other and our wonderful, precious planet. 

Our Aims 

  • Create a school community with a Christian ethos in which all are happy, secure and valued. 
  • Provide a school environment which is welcoming, orderly and stimulating. 
  • Plan and implement a broad and balanced curriculum which offers a wide range of learning experiences to support the development of the whole child. We allow every child the opportunity to progress, and that this progress is celebrated and built upon. 
  • Promote and support effective teaching and learning to assist our children in achieving the highest standards of which they are capable, encouraging all children to become autonomous and reflective learners. 
  • Develop our children’s lively imaginations, enquiring minds with the ability to question, reason and reflect 
  • Take every opportunity to celebrate working together with our community and beyond.  We hold our door open to people from all backgrounds and traditions.  We pursue diversity and inclusion as we know it is inherently better 
  • Foster sound links with parents, the community and outside agencies to support our children’s development and enhance their learning.  Engage in a range of community partnerships which provide an abundance of extracurricular opportunities and experiences  
  • The Four Purposes drive our curriculum and we ensure first-hand experiences both indoor and outdoor are intensely lived by the children 
  • Develop key skills, attitudes and values through each of the six areas of learning experience: 

Expressive Arts 

Health and Well-being 


Science and Technology 

Mathematics and Numeracy 

Languages, Literacy and communication 

  • Ensure efficient use of resources. 
  • Promote an open, collaborative and evaluative culture for all.   

Our aspiration for every child is that they become: 

  • ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives; 
  • ethical, informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world; 
  • enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work; 
  • healthy, confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society. 

We are more than just a school.  Our beautiful setting, the heart of Neath town centre and our warm welcome see to that, as does the palpable sense of friendship and trust amongst the children and every member of staff you meet.