World Cup Football
Dear Parents/Carers
As part of the World Cup celebrations in school on Friday 25th November, pupils are able to wear non school uniform in the colours of red, yellow and green to show their support to the Welsh football team. We will be making arrangements for the children to watch the match if they would like to.
Many Thanks

Dear Parents/Carers
The dates and times for the Christmas concerts are:
Monday 19th December at 1.30pm & 6pm – Y5/6
Tuesday 20th December at 1.30pm & 6pm – Y3/4
Wednesday 21st December at 10am & 2pm – Nur, Rec, Y1 & Y2
All concerts will be held in St David’s Church.
Ticket information will follow shortly.
Many Thanks

Children in Need
Dear Parents/Carers
Children In Need Friday 18th November
In order to celebrate CIN this year , we’re asking everyone to wear their own clothes.
If you’d like to make a donation , you can do it in one of two ways .
. Staff have buckets at the school entrances / exits
. Via Parent Pay ( Log in the normal way & click on the link to Children in Need Donation )
Thank you for your continued support .

School message
Dear Parents/Carers,
We’d like to wish you all a fun filled and happy half term and look forward to seeing you all back safely on Tuesday 8th November.
As always, your continued support and participation in school life is vey much appreciated.
Kind Regards
Mrs Kath Phillips
Seconded Headteacher

Friday 28th October
Dear Parents/Carers,
It’s non uniform/Spooky or Fancy Dress day tomorrow Friday 28th October.
FADS are raising funds for school by asking for a £1 donation tomorrow. They will also be selling Luck Dips and Sweet Treats in the back yard at home time. Nursery will have the chance to buy any sweet treats too at end of the morning.
Please donate via Parent Pay or on the gate tomorrow.
As always, we thank you for your continued support.
Mrs K Phillips