Road Safety Concerns
Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for taking the time to read this message about the safety of our pupils crossing the road at the back of the school by Wilkinson’s store.
We ask you to be mindful of your speed as you drive along the road passed the school and to park legally whilst dropping off and picking up your children. It is highly likely that illegal parking will result in fines being administered. Where possible please use the multi storey car park instead.
Thank you for supporting this message and for keeping our pupils safe.
Kind Regards
Mrs K Phillips
Seconded Headteacher

Dear Parents/Carers,
In order to help you plan for the new academic year please see below for dates for INSET.
Thursday 2nd September
Friday 3rd September
*Children will return to school on Monday 6th September*
Tuesday 4th January
Monday 28th February
Monday 25th April
Friday 27th May
Kind Regards
Mrs K Phillips

Message from Swansea Bay Health Board
Message from Swansea Bay Health Board
Common cold? It could be Covid! Covid-19 cases are rising in young people in Swansea Bay area. Symptoms can now mimic a common cold – so if your child (or you) have symptoms, please get tested.

Dear Parents/Carers,
Great News!
Colorfoto (School Photographer) will be in school on Friday 18th June.
This year Colorfoto will only be offering individual and sibling photographs to current school pupils due to Covid 19 restrictions.
We are unable to offer any other siblings who are not already in school an opportunity to be photographed alongside their brothers/sisters.
Your child/ren will be sent home with information on Friday explaining how you can order the photographs.
Many thanks as always for your continued support.
Kind Regards
Mrs K Phillips

TTP support
If you have been contacted by NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect service (TTP) and been told to self-isolate, you may be entitled to Financial Support.