Author: Adam

School message from the Chair of Governors

Dear Parents/Carers,

I wanted to let you all know some news about our seconded headteacher Mrs Kath Phillips.

As you know Mrs Phillips has been working at Alderman Davies since taking up the seconded position of headteacher in September 2019.

Mrs Phillips will be taking early retirement from her post of substantive headteacher at Bryncoch CiW primary and as seconded headteacher at Alderman Davies at the end of the summer term in July.

It hasn’t been a decision taken lightly by Mrs Phillips as I know how much she has enjoyed her time at Alderman Davies. She has been in education for nearly 33 years and in senior leadership positions for over 20 years, but with a second grandchild due any day soon, she feels this is the right time to help her family and support them. 

I am sure you will join me in thanking Mrs Phillips for the fantastic work, support and guidance she has given to all the pupils, parents, staff, governors at Alderman Davies. As a school community we are going to miss her very much, but we also want to wish her all the best for the future. 

Mrs Phillips’s last day with the pupils will be Friday 21st July ( INSET Mon 24th July)

Thank you as always for your continued support. On behalf of the school, I wish you all a happy and safe half term.

Kindest Regards

Peter Nedin

Chair of Governors

Alderman Davies CiW Primary School 

End of Year Services

Dear Parents/Carers,

We will be holding 3 special services in St David’s Church on Wed 19th July to celebrate Nursery, Year 2 and Year 6 graduations and leavers services.

We would like to invite you to the following Graduation and Leavers services in Church in July.

Nursery Graduation – Wed 19th July at 11am

Year 2 Graduation – Wed 19th July at 9.30am

Year 6 Leavers Service – Wed 19th July at 1.45pm

We look forward to seeing you all.

Many Thanks

Mrs K Phillips

ADS Sports Day

Dear Parents and carers,

Sports day dates for your diary:

Nursery to Y2 – 9.15 to 11.30 on Wednesday 14th June in the school yard.

Y3 and 4 the morning of Friday 16th of June at Cwrt Herbert running track.

Y5 and 6 the afternoon of Friday 16th June at Cwrt Herbert running track.

Reserver dates if weather is bad:

Nursery to Y2 – 9.15 to 11.30 on Wednesday 21st June in the school yard.

Y3 and 4 the morning of Friday 23rd of June at Cwrt Herbert running track.

Y5 and 6 the afternoon of Friday 23rd June at Cwrt Herbert running track.

Further detail will follow closer to the time.

Many thanksMrs Phillips

Seconded Headteacher

INSET changes

Dear Parents/Carers,



Please note there has been a change of date regarding the final INSET day of the summer term.

Final INSET day for all pupils is Mon 24th July 2023.

Friday May 26th will now be a normal school day.

Kind Regards

Mrs K Phillips

King’s Coronation

Dear Parents/Carers

We are going to celebrate the King’s Coronation by having a tea party for all our pupils on Friday 5th May.

Please can you send in a plate of party food on Friday 5th May for your child to eat the afternoon of the tea party. Dinners will be as normal.

Please put your child’s full name and class/teacher on the plate of food so it can be clearly identified.

All pupils can wear their own clothes for the day. We would love to see them in their party clothes or something  red, white or blue (or a mixture).

Thank you as always.

Mrs K Phillips

Seconded Headteacher